Some Notes for Newcomers
Welcome to the Green Wizards forum!
This project unfolded from a discussion on The Archdruid Report, my blog on peak oil and the future of industrial society, about what individuals could do to get ready for a future of limits, shortages, and technological decline. My thought was that people who took the time to learn and practice a particular set of skills I knew tolerably well -- the skills of the "appropriate technology" movement that flourished during the last round of energy crises in the Seventies and early Eighties -- would be well placed to help themselves, their families, and their communities in the years ahead.
The suggestion seems to have resonated with quite a few people; this forum is one of the results. The three sections of the forum labeled "Food," "Heat" and "Craft" correspond to the three main divisions of appropriate tech: methods of producing, storing, and preparing food; methods of producing and conserving heat in living spaces, water, and the like; and methods of producing useful things -- all of which are done with simple technologies and as little fossil fuel input as possible. The posts on green wizardry on The Archdruid Report, which you can read at , will be following that broad outline, and these sections of the forum are meant to host discussions in each of these areas.
One of the things that's been a lively part of the conversations on The Archdruid Report has been the sharing of resources -- books, websites, schools, and more -- that can be used by prospective green wizards in their training. Here, those conversations and resources can go into the Resource Exchange section of the forum. Finally, there's a place for introductions in the section cleverly labeled "Introductions," and a place for casual conversation and fun in the Green Wizard Cafe. That being said, welcome to the Green Wizards project and forum!
David Trammel
Sat, 12/23/2017 - 10:17
Changes Over The Years
This post by Greer was one of the first of the older forum. We have come a long way in seven years, and I hope a long way further in the coming seven.
Cathy McGuire
Tue, 08/07/2018 - 10:24
Ah - I've successfully logged in!
Alright! I made the transfer - thanks, David! I appreciate all your work in moving the forum and posts to this new website, and I look forward to contributing!