Milk Weed Pods, Fried or Boiled
I ran across a post on a Wild Eatables group saying that Milkwood pods can be eaten. Anyone have any experience with them. I have a couple of plants growing up my Offering to the Water Elemental.
This is from the end of the season last year. It grew like a weed (lol), so it would be an easy plant to let grow in the garden if its eatable.
Sat, 07/28/2018 - 20:30
Whoops! No!
Whoops! No! Don't eat that milkweed! I think all the milkweeds that are supposed to have edible parts are free-standing plants that tend to grow in colonies. Do not eat the vining one, which might stop your heart! Personally, I would not eat any milkweed until I see someone else has eaten and survived it with no problems.