Barn Raising part 2

The half barn raised 2 years ago has been in service as much needed storage for the past 2 years, building supplies, garden supplies, chicken feed and bedding, tools, etc....A year ago I was able to pay to have a slab poured for the second half, and this fall to get to work building on that slab. Cash as you go building.
The framing was started by a young person in my extended family who has been working for a contractor, he started construction work during COVID while finishing up his masters degree online, and found he prefers working with his hands and is sticking to the construction. He had fun working on his own on this barn, but this is as far as he took it as he was driving down here in between work at his day job, and his day job got too busy to finish the last 2 rafters and to get the plywood up
Mon, 01/15/2024 - 23:06
I got to hang off the rafters
I got to hang off the rafters like that too holding ends of the last rafters up, being the carpenters helper and working with my retired neighbor, who let me hire him to complete the framing.
Mon, 01/15/2024 - 22:51
Then I gave the sides a coat
Then I gave the sides a coat of that off white all in one paint and primer, same sale 5 gallon bucket I opened 2 years ago. And it is starting to look like a real building
Mon, 01/15/2024 - 22:56
This photo is actually the
This photo is actually the opposite side of the building, the back.
I had picked up 2 free door panels last year form one place. And then, someone else had the mounting and sliding hardware. Now that hte building was up, my daughter and a friend came down and installed them, they were heavy, it took all three of us to hold up, line up and finally slide them in.. There is one of these at each end of the new part of the building, the feed storage area, on the new cement slab
Mon, 01/15/2024 - 23:00
Then I spent the next month,
Then I spent the next month, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, doing my by myself slow one row at a time, roofing on it. This side also used mostly free shingles, so is also a blend of colors
Sweet Tatorman
Tue, 01/16/2024 - 07:02
Looking good!
Looking good!